Highlighted Discoveries
Sequence aligners use fixed-size k-mers in their algorithms, with the choice of k-mer size significantly impacting alignment quality. Our tool, Mapper, overcomes this by dynamically incorporating k-mers of various sizes and gaps (gapped x-mers).
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Gut microbiomes share CRISPR systems through horizontal gene transfer to update their phage defense.
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A novel algorithm for genetic variant identification that is 9x faster than existing tools, while producing fewer false positives and false negatives.
Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are everywhere, but most high-risk ARGs (Rank I, red bars) are only present in human-associated environments but not in natural environments.
Antibiotic resistance genes are highly prevalent (red and blue dots) in almost all bacterial genomes. Specifically, ARGs in Gammaproteobacteria (red dots) are spreading by horizontal gene transfer via class 1 integrons (i.e. intI1).
Case 6 of 6:
Gut microbiomes are actively adapting in healthy human subjects through accumulating beneficial mutations in carbohydrate transport regulators.